The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 547: Virion C


Oh ho!

Eek! Wh-who's there?!

My apologies, fair maiden. I had no wish to startle you.

Virion? Oh, thank goodness it's only you.

Goodness, indeed! It appears the young maiden trusts me as a friend.

Although, speaking as a man of passion, I am unsure if this pleases me or not.

Huh? What do you mean?

Ah, it is no matter. Now please! Tell me more of your intoxicating promenade!

I find it strange that you are performing a dance for two all by your lonesome.

You're familiar with this dance?

I have, on many occasions, taken the gentleman's part.

Erm, I don't suppose you'd care to show me the steps? I m-mean, if it's no trouble! I'm trying to learn it, you see, but it would be SO much easier with a partner!

Virion has never refused a plea from a damsel in need, and he shall not begin now! I will teach you what I know. I will teach you... EVERYTHING!

Oh! That's great!